Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Greatest Wonders

The Greatest Wonders

Many can look up into the nighttime sky,
And what they see there will bring a tear to their eye.
Others look up and scoff,
“An explosion created all of that stuff!”
Our universe is vastly misunderstood,
Just as our young people who have stood,
Before an adult, just wanting understanding,
Instead they receive a reprimanding.
All too often we are shoved aside,
Placed in a category where we should not abide.
Like the stars in the sky, we are not all the same.
To treat us as such should bring you shame.
We require an understanding that few can grasp.
Most have closed their minds like a clasp.
When forced to attempt to understand the void,
They give up, their teens get annoyed.
When asked to give another chance,
They mock and say nothing could enhance,
Their narrow view is set in stone.
It’s not their fault, it’s ours, you see.
That’s how it’s always been, but not how it should be.
From our childhood disdain is what we hone.
It was the same for them as well.
The only way to break this spell,
Is to change our ways while we are young and well.
We must decide not to judge just by sight.
We should have learned early on that it’s not right.
And in the future we must learn,
So it will become easy to discern,
The differences that make us great.
And so we will, no more, be filled with hate.