Friday, February 24, 2012

I Am Yours

I Am Yours

I feel as helpless as a nail in the Carpenter’s hands.
He steadies me and readies me, preparing me for what is to come.
The plan is to drive me forward, through this life, into the next.
I am being forced to combat the hardness of this wooden world.
It is for my own good that He does this.

I am a sodden pile of mud and clay.
But You would never see me for what I am now.
You see me for what I can be, through You.
You shape me and mold me into something beautiful.
As I dry, your fingerprints become a part of me, identifying me.

I am a block of immovable granite, but You know better.
Once again, you look past the outside, into what I can become.
You come to me with your chisel and hammer.
Slowly, you work away the excess of me.
Sanding me down, chipping away, making me new.

After all of this, You look on me, You smile.
I look to You, tears filling my eyes, the transition was hard.
Every step I took with you hurt, every cut and chip.
But You never left me, you never changed your mind.
You looked at me and smiled Your warmest smile.
You said I was Yours and You were mine.
The tears flowed freely from my eyes and I embraced you, forever changed.

The Dream Trap

The Dream Trap
We sleep.

We dream.

We wish.

When our reality falls short

of what we expect,

tears come.

Curses are thrown.

“Why Lord?”


We pay no mind to what is,

We only dwell on what isn’t.

We care not for what could be,

We only think on what didn’t.

God smiles and presents

HIS Perfect Will.

We don't care.

We ignore.

We are busy thinking

and struggling for what we cannot have.

Are our dreams that important?

No…. not really

But we chase them anyway.

If we finally catch one, we rejoice!
But our happiness is fragile.
Before too long,

we realize that we want more.

 is as fleeting
as the setting sun.
It shines,
So bright for a time,

and then
into darkness.
It may have been brilliant

and beautiful for that short time,

but it still fades.

A new idea streaks
Into view.

We follow,
Determined to be happy.

But chasing
shooting stars
just makes

Instead of hoping for what could be,

Instead of running around wildly,

Think on what is.

Think on what God is calling you to be.

Our life is HIS.