Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The mighty beast seemed to be taken aback by the warrior’s sudden scream. As the soldier rushed towards him the dragon faltered, but only for a moment. The man swung his mighty blade, missing the monster's throat by mere inches. The dragon, enraged even more now, lunged towards the man. He dodged, rolling just out of reach of its massive fangs. Once again, the dragon opened its mouth and a jet of golden flame roared towards the warrior. Once again, the shield was raised just in time and the soldier was blown backward. This continued for hours, the brave soldier would advance on the mighty beast only to be forced back. Long into the night they struggled, each one becoming more and more exhausted. Finally, the man was able to dodge the jet of flame erupting from the mouth of the dragon and, with a horrible sound of steel cutting through flesh and bone, he lopped off the head of the beast. He screamed in triumph, the victory was his. The dragon, slayer of so many, had finally fallen. He could finally rest. But, as he turned to leave, a disturbing sound met his ears. A roar, starting out low but getting increasingly louder. He turned to look back and cried out in horror, for the beast had sprouted, not one, but two heads to replace the one that it had lost. This fight was not over, no, it had merely just begun…

Sunday, November 27, 2011


The brave warrior had just come off a time of rest; a brief respite from the grueling task before him. The roaring dragon, conqueror of so many, stood snarling before him. He didn’t know what to do. His mind had gone blank! His period of leisure had stolen all of his resolve and skill and he now stood at the mercy of this mighty beast. The great dragon’s maw opened and out flew a golden flame. The man raised his shield just in time but was blown backward by the force of the blaze. All around him erupted and he was trapped. There was nothing more to do but face this foe. Then, as if the flame had awoken his mind, his training flooded back to him. He was made for this! As the fire continued to encircle him he rose to his feet, drew his sword, hoisted his shield, and with a mighty scream, ran to confront the beast…

Sunday, November 6, 2011



I sit here, tired of waiting, so tired.
Why? Why must it take so long?
Why does everything feel so wrong?
I’ve been waiting for some time now,
All the while, I thought things were getting better.
I thought the darkness had passed.
I was wrong.
Why though?
I should stop asking that.
I know why.
The real question should be how do I stop the hurt?
Is it possible?
I feel as though I’m already too burnt.
I miss the times of old.
When smiles hid what the lips kept untold.
When the pain was hidden.
When I was ignorant.
But wait, do I really want to go back?
I guess not.
I’m just sick of the waiting.
I want it to be over, no matter the outcome.
That sounds wrong, I know, but maybe, deep down, you feel that way too.
But, we must persevere.
The prize is worth it, the prize is dear.
Do not give up,
I will try my best.
Will you try to?
Are we up for the test?

This is dedicated to my mentor. The man I look up to more than anyone else. He's made some mistakes in his life, but that just makes him human. I hope that this encourages him. Remember, never give up, never back down. I love you.