Sunday, June 30, 2013

Progress Report

                Here we are. It’s halfway through the year 2013. Isn’t that a weird thought? A year always seems like such a long time but then you blink and it’s almost gone. With that thought I figured I would give a progress report on the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year. Let’s recap shall we? I promised to:
                                Better myself spiritually
                                Better myself physically
                                Write more
                                Get no lower than a “B” in every class I register
                                Go on my first date
                So, how did I do? Well, here we go…
                With the “better myself spiritually” portion I feel that I can be hit and miss. I don’t like that and I’m still working on it. I’ve still got a long way to go but I feel like I’m slowly working my way to where I should be.
                Better myself physically? I’m doing pretty well, actually. Since December I’ve lost roughly thirty pounds. I started jogging (inconsistently but it’s something) and I’m planning to run a half marathon next spring. The furthest I’ve jogged without stopping is two miles. I know that isn’t really that big of a deal but it made me feel really good (after I was done hyperventilating of course.) I’m attending a friend’s wedding in August and my goal is to look really good once it rolls around.
                Well, I could have done better with the whole, “write more” goal. I’ve written a little but not nearly enough. If I really want to be a full time writer some day then I have to stop making excuses and just write. I’m working on a short story now and I have an idea for a novel I want to write. I just have to force myself to do it.
                Ok, this next one I completely failed at and I feel really stupid about. I didn’t want to get lower than a “B” in any of my classes and, unfortunately, that didn’t happen. I actually failed my math classt (only partially my fault) and I got a “C” in my History class. I didn’t want it to happen but it did and there is nothing I can do about it now. It sucks but it’s done and over now.
                And lastly, I vowed to go on my first date. Hmmm, well, that still hasn’t happened either. I would like to do this and I imagine it will happen at some point in the next six months; I’m just not certain on the “when’’ right now.
                So, there you have it. I’m not nearly as far along as I could/should be but I’m also not too bad off. I just have to keep my focus where it needs to be and I believe I can come out of this year a better person.

                That’s it for now, I guess. I hope to update again soon because I’ve got some life decisions I hope to have finalized soon. Until then, may your swords stay sharp and your mind clear.