Friday, September 14, 2012

A pinch of self-pity

                Who wants to hear about the most trying period of my life? Well, I’ll give a short explanation of my summer. It was filled with heartache, frustration, occasional happiness, and tears. Just a short list of some of what I dealt with: Exhaustion from overwork, car vandalism amounting to over $1000 in repairs, family pet dying, failing two courses, relationship budding, relationship getting crapped on, leaving a church I had grown up in, awesome family vacation, and, most importantly, the best friends I could ever have. It was a busy and confusing summer. I couldn’t wait for it to be over. I know that if it wasn’t for my parents and my friends this summer would have crushed my spirit. But I know that it was just God trying me and showing me what I could handle. I’m not saying I enjoyed it and I definitely don’t ever want to be subjected to anything like it again, but, I know it was for the better.

Romans 8:28:  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

P.S. Seriously, Bella, Bart, Caleb, Mom, and Dad, I couldn’t have gotten through this without you. I love you all so much!

Now, for something a little bit different...

                Wow, it really has been a long time. I think I’m going to try to shift gears a little bit for this blog. When I first started it during my senior year of high school, it was merely a way for me to show off some of what I had written. I posted my favorite writings and hoped people would comment on them. Once I finished that Literature class, I didn’t have anything else to post so I stopped updating the blog. When I started my freshman year of college I was filled with a slew of new emotions and writing suddenly became easy. I updated my blog with a bunch of new poems, none of them particularly good, but I was proud. Then, during spring semester I took a course in Creative Writing and from that came even more poems and even stories. The last post I made, the one before this one, was the beginning of a story that I was trying to form. I was asking for input and I hoped to complete it over the summer. Unfortunately, I haven’t done much writing over the past five months.
                This blog used to just be works I completed for school or occasional poems. I’m gonna change that. The title of the blog is “Dork Thoughts” and I’m going to try to move back to that. From now on, it will be my thoughts, as a self-professed and proud dork. It could be on any subject from politics to Christianity. It will be my views on the matter. I have been meaning to do it for a while now but finally decided to take Yoda’s advice. “Do or do not. There is no try.” So, here it goes. These are my thoughts on life in general. I hope you enjoy and disagree with me once in a while. The way I see it, if nobody ever disagreed with anybody, the world would be a very boring place.