Thursday, December 22, 2011


The warrior felt his resolve falter. How could he dream of destroying such a beast as this? Again and again he struck down the heads of the mighty dragon, only to be met with two more each time. He was exhausted and didn’t know how much longer he could keep up the fight but still he fought on. The beast was advancing on him swiftly, all six pairs of fangs barred, occasionally blocking an escape route with a blast of flame. Further and further back the warrior was pushed, all the while, trying to defend himself. He was in the field of fallen heroes that the dragon had left behind now. His shield had become almost useless under the constant barrage of flame and his sword had become dull and chipped after constant scrapes on the hard scales of the evil creature. Suddenly, one of the beast’s heads lunged for him. Sure it was the end he raised his sword as if to defend himself and, quite by luck, plunged his sword into the open maw, right into the dragon’s head. With a force that shook the area around him, the head crashed to the ground, lifeless. Curious. Instead of cutting the heads off, it looked as though he need only stab through the creature’s brain. His resolve began to come back. He could do this. He only needed more time and weapons, both of which he had. He darted away from the dragon, grabbed a sword from one of his fallen comrades and turned to face the monster again.