Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Rescuer

The Rescuer

The fear engulfs me,
Washing over me like a mighty wave.
I raise my hand up, reaching for something to grasp;
My fingers close on empty air.
My last hope drains from me as the air escapes my lungs.
I scream, but no sound comes out.
The darkness is coming.
Slowly my world is fading to black.
But then, just as I slip to the edge of unconsciousness,
I feel a hand grasp my own.
I feel a tugging.
My head breaks the surface and I see your face.
Forever in your debt, I collapse at your feet.
Thank you
You saved me from the hopelessness
You are my Rescuer.

Friday, October 7, 2011

I Miss You

I Miss You
I miss you.
I miss everything about you.
Your smile,
Your laugh,
Your beauty.
But do you want to know what I miss most?
The ignorance I was filled with.
I believed we might be together.
Can we?
Could we?
Only God knows.
I don’t even deserve you.
You are too good and pure for me.
I’ve done too much,
Too much that can never be washed away.
I don’t want to hurt you,
I know I would end up doing just that in the end.
I know I wouldn’t be able to live with myself after that.
But the worst part?
I still believe.
I still HOPE.
Maybe, just maybe, it could happen.
Maybe God will be good to me,
Maybe my desire will become my reality.
But what if it doesn’t?
Will I be able to handle it?
Will it be too painful for me?
Please God, show me the truth.