Saturday, February 16, 2013

Simple question, complicated answer...

                What is church? No, really, what is it? Is it the buildings where we meet a few times a week to have someone talk about God? Is it simply the gathering of fellow believers in an attempt to draw closer to God? In my opinion, yes, it is both of those. But It is also so much more.
                Two weeks ago I had a huge group of people in my home. This was an interesting experience for me because I was the only host since my parents were in Florida. This is the first time in my life where I have such a large and diverse group of friends. I count them as more than friends too. They are my family. They are my church.
                We had a blast that weekend. All three days there was a different group of people who showed up. Some of them new friends some of them old friends; I even had my sister and brother-in-law over. I cooked for everyone and we played games and laughed and watched movies. We bonded. We relaxed.
                I have to confess, I did feel a little overwhelmed at times, a little bit of sensory overload if you will. But it was ok because I was with people I love. By far, my favorite night was Saturday. Saturday night was what got me asking this question of church. I think it is so much more than most Christians realize.
                After the food had been eaten, the kitchen cleaned and a movie finished, the large group of people that had come to my house began to dwindle down into a much more intimate group of friends. We then decided to take some time and just reflect on everything God had done for us and was still doing for us. We shared things that we disliked about ourselves and stuff that we struggle with. We lifted God up and thanked Him for all He had done. We told each other why we loved each other. We simply bonded. We held a miniature church service at 2 A.M. on a Saturday night.
                This is why I ask this question. Christians seem to get lost in the routine and traditional. For me, I have always felt God more when I am with a small group of friends than I ever have in a traditional church service. I felt God that night and it felt amazing.
                Now, don’t get me wrong. I still believe that the more traditional view of church is an important aspect of Christianity. We need a man (or woman) of God in our lives who is used as the mouthpiece of our Lord. What we need to remember is that the church is not just a building. The church is the people. The church is a small group of friends struggling through college and sharing their hurts and praying together. The church is a pastor preaching to his flock the words God has laid on his heart. The church is so so much more!
The Bible says, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Mathew 18:20
We need to keep this in mind. We need to stop trying to keep God in our traditional little box.

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