Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Unknown

This assignment required us to "discover" something in it. It isn't one of my favorites but it's okay. It's written as journal entries.

The Unknown
                The year is 2024, the date is November 18th. I am thirty-one years old and have retired from my company Perfect Fit Denim, a very wealthy man. I own a spacious villa located on a mountain in Colorado. It contains ten bedrooms and five bathrooms. Located on the highest point of my estate, is my personal observatory. It has become my hobby to study the night-time sky. My telescope is second only to NASA (and it’s a close call) and it has an unobstructed 360° view of the sky. Every time I study the star I write in a journal. This small, leather-bound book is full of my personal star charts and thoughts. It was on this cool, clear, November night that I made an important discovery.
            11/18/24         “It is a clear November night tonight. I came down to the observatory about 10:00 P.M.. Decided to let Lex stay up a bit late so he could watch the stars with me. He fell asleep about 11:30 and I carried him back to the house and his bed. Once I returned I decided to have a peek at the non-planet Pluto. While adjusting the lenses and settings, I noticed something red. I stopped. I had never taken a look at a Red Giant before. I soon realized that what I was looking at was not a star. It didn’t “twinkle” or “flash” and it looked a lot more solid than a star. As excited as I was at this new “unknown”, it had become difficult to keep my eyes open. It was well past midnight. I have recorded its position in the sky, and will return tomorrow.”

            11/19/24         “Came down as soon as it was dark enough to see the stars. Immediately imput the coordinates for my “unknown” and gazed into the telescope. There it was!! Still unblinking, still not a star. I have come to the conclusion that I have discovered a new planet!! I will continue to study it before I alert the world.”

            And so, my entries were much of the same for the next two weeks. I continued to study this new planet. I decided to name it Lorrad. The name came from “Lord”, who hung it in the sky, and “Red”, for its color. After two and a half weeks, I revealed my findings to NASA. They were ecstatic! My name was used on one of their shuttles to the moon! Even better, NASA now offered me free trips to the moon resort whenever I asked. I had become famous over night. The funny thing is it was all by accident. I was looking for a non-planet, and ended up discovering a new planet!

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